Home Business Ario Vape Review

Ario Vape Review


By Seth MacKenzie
IG: @culinaryanarchy
I wasn’t even using the disposable Vape cartridges when I met some of the fine folks from Ario Vape while covering Cannacon. It just so happened that my photographer, X, was a fan. However, he had been complaining about the fact that the battery would often break where the cartridge connects, and that the batteries are unreliable after a week or so.
The Contour 2 by Ario Vape solves both problems while also being one of the classiest smoking accessories I’ve ever owned. After a week of using it, it will be part of my daily kit for a while.
I know, it’s too good to be true, right? Something reliable yet discreet that does the job and fits perfectly in your hand? Well, so far so good.
When Ario Vape sent my unit, it was a lot smaller and lighter than I remembered. This is a good thing if you plan on keeping it in your pocket all day, as I do. It’s not bulky, fits the curve of your hand, and feels natural to use from the first puff.
One of the cool features (that is also a slight drawback) is the magnetic tips that are provided. The tips screw on the bottom of the cartridge, and when you’re ready to use, you just slide it in the unit. The magnetic tips are a great feature, but at the same time, it’s easy to lose the tips. It’s not the end of the world, you get three to start with, plus you can reorder them online directly from Ario Vape.
Yes, it’s just a battery, but it’s a well-built battery that pays for itself after one use since you don’t have to worry about a cartridge breaking in your pocket. The unit retails for a mere $25.  A new cartridge to replace the one you shattered when you sat down is $35, plus another new, shitty battery. You do the math.
One of the other great features with this is that the power is adjustable for different oils as well as a preheat function as well. While not critical, this does make it a lot easier to hit on a cold day and shows that the manufacturer put a lot of thought into the needs of the consumers. Regarding battery life, you have to work to drain it, and since it charges on the same micro USB cord that you have sitting next to you, battery life won’t be an issue unless you’re going on a three-day camping trip, and smoke constantly.
Honestly, it takes all the work out of getting stoned. You don’t have to grind or pack or roll anything. There’s no mess or fumbling with a lighter or dealing with the wind. The smell is next to nothing and the cartridges pack a pretty heavy punch, even for a daily smoker such as yours truly.
While I will always be a flower smoker at heart, this device saves me a lot of hassle and worry. I take a puff or two, no one notices or gets offended, and I don’t walk into work smelling like weed. But I’m still high as a kite, and it’s awesome.
I bet you think it’s just a gimmick, or that it will just break after a few weeks. That is not the case. My photographer was so impressed that he bought one at Cannacon 4 months ago and gives it two thumbs up. I used to buy weed from him years ago. If it can last four months with him, it’s a well-built machine. The only issue he had was the screw tips, but these are still more of a pro than a con.
If you’re looking for a way to get stoned discreetly and reliably, the Contour 2 is a solid investment. I was impressed when I met them and haven’t been disappointed in the performance of this or the other products that I’ve used by them. In closing, I’m giving this a 9.5 out of 10 since it’s one of the best-designed products I’ve had the chance to use and I’m looking forward to seeing what other innovations they have in store for us next.