King Day March 2017
A major march on Martin Luther King Day 2017 taking place in San Diego as an extension of National NAN President Reverend Al Sharpton’s National March in Washington D.C. “We shall not be moved” dealing with four issues in the country, state, and county: Police Reform, Mass Incarceration, Workers Rights, and Homelessness. These topics are non-negotiable for the incoming administration nationally, State Elected officials, and Local councils and Mayors and that Dr. King’s values with not be pushed aside as the new administration comes in.
National Action Network (San Diego) along with over 25 partners and the families of Alfred Olango and Robert Branch along with fast food workers and hotel workers are leading a major march on Martin Luther King Day 2017 taking place in San Diego as an extension of National NAN President Reverend Al Sharpton’s National March in Washington D.C.
The march, named “We Shall Not Be Moved” covers the topics and call to action for protection of progress the civil rights community has made around Voting Rights, Income Inequality, Healthcare, Mass Incarceration and Police Reform. These issues are non-negotiable for the incoming administration, state elected officials, local councils, and mayors. Dr. King’s values cannot be pushed aside as the new administration comes in.
Dr. Martin Luther King died fighting a poor people’s campaign fighting for the poor, jobless and our workers. He also died leaving racial injustice as a front and center topic for years to come.The march serves as a notice to the Incoming President, Congress and Administration that on these items the civil rights community will not be moved at any cost. In light of the Washington D.C. “We Shall Not Be Moved” march taking place it will begin a national ripple of effect into local cities a movement that will hold both Republicans and Democrats accountable on these direct items ensuring that the principles of Dr. King will not be violated as we head into a new administration in Washington D.C.or in local cities with incoming Mayors or City Council’s.
In San Diego every year there is an MLK Parade that is not lead by an entirely African American Coalition nor by people that are heavily connected to the issues that people who Dr. King fought for are going through and facing; it is very militarized which is totally out of the context of what Dr. King stated very clearly about America’s quickness to run to war but not serve the homeless or help the country’s racial divide. The parade initially was a very good idea but they took it out of the black community and put it in downtown San Diego on Harbor Dr. where there is not really a connection with people in the inner parts of the city.
The “We Shall Not Be Moved” march will highlight that it’s time to reclaim what Dr. King represented especially in times like these and fight for what we believe in. Reverend Shane Harris has stated that in this moment there is no time for sitting in high rises and expensive hotels doing breakfasts when everything Dr. King has stood for and fought for is at stake. The January 16th march in San Diego will highlight NAN’s national call to protect Dr. King’s values.
The march is for:
-the continued fight in police killings around the country including the continued call for the federal investigation into the killing of Alfred Olango in El Cajon, CA
– Robert Branch who was choked unconscious by an off duty San Diego Sheriff
– Victor Ortega who was killed by San Diego Police over five years ago, the continued fight for workers rights and women’s rights in the workplace (Fight for 15)
– the concerns around how the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement with deal with Immigrants in border cities like San Diego
– the continued issues of the Mass Incarceration including the Private Prison Systems and closing of CCA
– and the highlighting San Diego and nationally the problem around homelessness and the call for action in our cities to open more shelters for our homeless populations