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By Benjie Cooper IG: @nuglifenews YouTube: Lucid's Vlog On a warm, sunny October 14 Saturday, Dr. K's Kushstock 4 festival rolled into town and took over the NOS Events Center in San Bernadino, bringing with it over 500 vendors and around 56,000 marijuana-loving attendees. Once again, the event was free to anyone over the age of 18 with a valid ID, but...

Lord Jones Edibles

By Katie Burke High Times hailed it as the, “best low dose edible for new users.” If anyone reading this has read my past reviews about edibles, then you would know it always ends with me thinking I’m on a different dimension. I consistently eat too much of said edible. Even when it’s one small piece of candy, I can’t just...

Moonlit Moveable Feast

By Cara Anderson IG: @carajojo Barbie Sommars, also known as Faerie Jane, is a curator for Moonlit Movable Feast, a cannabis “high dining” event. The feast will be held in Joshua Tree on November 4th- during the upcoming full moon! The event is a premiere, exclusive, ticketed three-course "responsibly" medicated dinner that will likewise serve as an opportunity for a most...

Santee Cannabis Deliveries Feel The Stings

By Benjie Cooper IG: @nuglifenews YouTube: Lucid's Vlog Some medical cannabis delivery operations in the San Diego area are lying low after the County Sheriff's Department conducted a series of undercover sting operations on October 12 which resulted in the arrest of seven separate delivery service drivers and the seizure of 12.76 pounds of marijuana. San Diego County does not currently allow...

Solfeggio Frequencies

By Ian Garrity Feeling stressed and anxious? Can't sleep? Trying to Meditate? Fried? Then the Solfeggio Frequencies are for you! The ancient solfeggio frequencies are a set of notes in a scale that are attributed with healing properties. There are a total of nine frequencies that each have a purported unique ability associated with them. They were used in over 150...

Suntrap Botanicals

By Cara Anderson IG: @carajojo My sister gifted me a Heart Home Herbal Tincture made by Suntrap Botanicals. The blend is “A formulation to promote intimacy with ones self or the world around them. To take when the heart feels closed and cold. To remember sweetness, to feel loved.” I take it every day, and I love the ritual, and I...

Transporting Legal Cannabis

By Jason Marcuz Weed is slowly but surely being decriminalized and even legalized across the United States. California was the first state to legalize medical cannabis when in 1996 the state legislature passed laws to that effect. In the recent past, more and more states have passed laws legalizing both medical and recreational cannabis. Can you legally transport cannabis? There have...

#WestCoastWednesdays presents Tyson Amir

By Nate Whitsell IG: @SDlovesHipHop Being one of a few white faces in a sea of beautiful, powerful, and passionate black men and women, sitting under the weight of Tyson Amir’s words shared from his poignant, socio-political, freedom fighter’s memoir, his magnum opus (at least to date), Black Boy Poems, was uncomfortable. And that’s good. Those moments have made me who...

Who's Dirtier Than Larry Flynt?

By Coral Ceiley Trump is… apparently. The founder of Hustler magazine and pornography mogul has apparently had enough of our Commander in Chief. The infamous Larry Flynt is taking out a full-page ad in the Washington Post offering up to 10 million dollars for “dirt” leading to the impeachment of the Donald. The first-amendment activist asserts that Trump has proven he...