Home Business Proper Transport Security Can Keep Your Company Moving Forward

Proper Transport Security Can Keep Your Company Moving Forward


By Warren Pulley, VP Project 7 Security Group
Twitter: @p7securitygroup
Recently the California Bureau of Marijuana Control has posted on its website the intent to establish very strict regulations and guidelines on how recreational and medical marijuana can be transported when packaged, and you can expect with the over regulations that California is known for, that your company could fall into serious violation(s) of State regulations if you fail to follow all laws to the letter.  
The proposed regulations would also set the minimum age for drivers and passengers of licensed transport vehicles at 21 years of age and regulations would enumerate the information and the qualifying events that must be entered into the track and trace system.
Currently companies have set their own individual standards on how they move marijuana based products business to business, and all too often these practices have resulted in confiscation by law enforcement entities, theft by organized criminals and loss from insider thefts, these transport practices result in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for California based marijuana businesses and can be curbed with a few common sense security measures.
First ensure that you are selecting a reputable, licensed and insured security company in the State where you reside, whom is authorized by your State’s licensing body to perform armed security transport and guard services.
Secondly, do your due diligence and ask that the security company provide you with its States license number, then go to governing website and to verify that the security license is in good standing, along with the State verification it would be a matter of good business practice to conduct your own social media background on the company to find out if the company your relying has a bad reputation in the security industry, the Better Business Bureau is a good source for such information.
Third if possible ask the security company for references, however in the cannabis industry you may find that most companies operate under strict non-disclosure agreements with marijuana related businesses and they will have to honor prior requests and be unable to provide a cannabis business for you to speak with.
Lastly see if you can speak to someone that is part of the company’s ownership and have your questions and concerns addressed by a decision maker, inquire about the experience of its employees and the company’s experience dealing with the canna industry and law enforcement. Don’t leave your company’s bottom line in limbo, by not obtaining the best available information directly from the top.
Here at Project 7 Security Group, we highly recommend that business owners, select professional security services to protect dispensaries, grow operations, cash storage, currency transport and fixed site operations.  
Business owners should ensure that these security operators are licensed Private Patrol Operators (PPO) in the State of California or your governing State and that  employees are persons who have a background operation in high threat, high stress, and high-tempo security operations.  
If you would like information on how Project 7 Security Group can onboard you into our security operations by protecting your bottom line, feel free to call us at (800) 560-3103 or email: wp@project7securitygroup.com.  
Project 7 Security Group is a licensed California BSIS PPO Corporation #119834.