Home Cannabis Hortiscope



By Medicinal Mike Boris
Instagram: @medicinal_mike
This week your smoking buddy seems to be smoking the joint from the lit end. Take a mellow approach to this behavior and you’ll have a buddy for life.

Your favorite strain is listed at every dispensary this week! It must be your lucky week. Remember too much of a good thing is something nobody has ever really complained of.

A friend in need, needs you to be a friend with weed. Someone in your smoking circle is reaching out for more than just a joint. Be a good friend this week.

This week your idea for the newest stony super brownie is off the hook but if you don’t put work into this idea. You super stoney brownie is off the shelf. Results come from hard work.

Your new glass rig is the talk of the town but your to shy to follow the hype. Come out of that little smoke cloud for a minute. Someone special wants to meet you.

You want to take that trip to the “Cannabis Cup” but you haven’t finished any of the things at home that need your focus. Take that trip and have a good time. Just this once it’s a good idea.

Your about to acquire a nice amount of cannabis because it seams cheap. Jumping to a decision will always leave some doubts. Smoke one and think wisely…but not that cheap crap.

You ever eat the last Oreo and forget so your still hungry? Your whole week is like that except you keep eating the last medicated treat. Force yourself off the coach before life comes in to get you.

OK, You have two joints in your hand and a brownie in your mouth. You need to delegate better. Use some of these extra stoners to help you get to the end of that joint.

You invented a way to get higher than anyone else or at least you think you did. Not all ideas are great ideas. Make sure you pick and choose wisely.

The only thing better this week for you than sharing a joint with all your friends is smoking it alone in peace and quiet. Cannabis is fun but also stimulating for the brain.

OMG do they ever stop talking. Everyone around you is using the joint as a microphone. This week you need to listen though. Somewhere in that clammer is a nugget of knowledge.