Home Cannabis The Hangover

The Hangover


By Katie Burke
Most people have experienced some hangover in their life. The most common type of hangover is experienced by consuming too much alcohol but, due to this being a cannabis newspaper we will explore the weed hangover.
The weed hangover is very much controversial. In part due to the lack of studies and research on it. For example, when doing due diligence, I came across a few studies done on the weed hangover ranging from 1985 to 1995. For every study stating the weed hangover was real there was a follow-up study completely disputing it.
The symptoms of a weed hangover may include a headache, drowsiness, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, and fatigue.
A weed hangover may vary depending on how one consumes cannabis. For example, I could smoke 3-4 blunts in an hour and feel stoned but not crazy awful. On the other hand, I could eat 3-4 She’z So Waxy brownies, become mute, and dissect everything I’ve said for the last day. It’s because the high of edibles is so intense I won’t even go near dabbing. However, if I do, I’ll be sure to feature it on Facebook live. Most smokers contest that weed hangovers only occur as a result of edibles.
I’m no scientist but, this is a fact I can stand by, weed dries you out, i.e., cotton mouth, and dry eyes. Both can be cured fairly quickly with water. Stay hydrated while you get stoned to avoid both symptoms, no big deal. I’ll take a weed hangover over another type of hangover any day. One last note, weed helps alcohol hangovers, if you aren’t on that tip yet, catch up!