Home Cannabis Hemp America’s GameChanger

Hemp America’s GameChanger


By Darlene Mea, CEO/Founder HempingtonPost.com
Greetings, and a cool welcome from the game-changing world of Hemp!
Many people are surprised to Know:

  • The Cannabis plant has been around for the past 12,000 years of recorded  history.
  • The entire Cannabis plant is the next emerging multi-billion, maybe trillion dollar industry.
  • Cannabis can and is healing our world.
  • Not all Cannabis can get you high.
  • The reasons why Cannabis, Marijuana, and Hemp became illegal.

As the CEO & founder of HempingtonPost.com, our on-line portal for all things hemp, I am honored to share with you the trusted information, sources, products and people in this emerging mega reality.  I’m one with extreme passion for our human rights, the future rights of people, our country, and our world for generations to come.
Just to be very clear, Hemp is the multi-versatile plant with (they say) at least 25,000+ uses.  Hemp is the next multi-billion dollar industry bringing back farming, jobs, industry and gratefully, Made in America products. The Cannabis industry, including Marijuana and Hemp, is and will greatly affect, economics, environment, and sustainability for all here in the USA.  All we need to do is to press hard, collectively, and FREE THE PLANT!
The entire Cannabis Industry is at a tipping point, and the more we know and share, the faster “we the people” can stand together and enforce the changes we can live with… You will be pleased to know many amazing leaders, movers & shakers have already taken the lead for “freedom of the Cannabis Plant”. Tune into HempingtonPost.com, FaceBook weekly for Live interviews with the GameChangers in this Hemp Industry. Join me weekly on Instagram with my co-host Tysha Tinney, as we review American Made Trusted HEMP Products.
Freedom is what Cannabis stands for – Freedom to have choice with what food, medicine and industry we deem “good for us”. Cannabis offers super-foods, healthy herbal medicines, and recreational diversity from alcohol. Cannabis also offers freedom for our farmers to grow and our industries of Made in America Hemp products, to flourish!  The Industrial Hemp plant brings bio-fuel, non-toxic textiles, fabrics, plastics, graphite, paper, hemp-crete building materials, super-foods, CBD for health and so much more. Even though America imports over ½ Billion dollars a year in Hemp products, we are just beginning to discover the multi-versatile benefits of the Cannabis plant and its intrinsic values on so many levels.
Here in America the Cannabis plant became a very illicit drug (which shows you we’ve always had “fake brainwashing” news). The laws changed suddenly in 1937 (see the History of Hemp on HempingtonPost.com).  Since then the Cannabis Prohibition began and continues with the “Petrochemical-Pharmaceutical-Military-Industrial-Transnational-Corporate-Fascist-Elite-Bastards we’ve got your karma right here”.  That’s a quote from Gatewood an early and profoundly notable activist for this cause.
 Needless to say we are in life changing times and all participation is being called upon.  How do you get involved? Get educated! If ever the world needs us to come together, the time is now. Find out more. Discover the “why’s of the Cannabis Industry” with our FREE EBOOK – Hemp America’s Game Changer.  You’ll find this at HempingtonPost.com – join the evolution!
 HempingtonPost.com is honored to be a part of change – We are positioned to bring the most trusted source of Hemp inspired news, views and reviews of American made trusted hemp products. We are also interviewing the Game Changers in the Hemp Industry who are leading the way of this evolutions to full legalization of the Cannabis plant in America, on all levels of government.
 Join us weekly @ HempingtonPost.com and jump into a cause and lifestyle that will prove to be the game changer we’ve been looking for.