Home Cannabis Hemp Mask Recipe

Hemp Mask Recipe


By Jayna Anderson
IG: @snowleoppy
Hemp oil is amazing! High in Vitamins A and E, it stimulates skin cell regeneration. The minerals found in hemp oil, such as magnesium, calcium, and zinc improve blood flow to the skin’s surface, helping to keep that complexion fresh! It’s anti-inflammatory properties work wonders on sunburn and soothe any irritations from sweat or stress. It’s ultra-hydrating properties will leave your face dewy and glowy. Hands down, hemp oil is the perfect Summer oil to add to your skincare routine!
I am adding peach to this recipe as I found a nice juicy one at my local farmer’s market this week. Peaches are especially soothing for dry skin, (perfect for my hi-desert complexion) and add a bright fruity scent to your facial mask. Feel free to substitute other fruits you love or omit the peach altogether.
This mask is the perfect Friday night treat! De-stress from a long work week, and hit the weekend with a clean & hydrated face!
What you will need:
– Facial Mask (makes 2-3 masks)
– 2 Tbsp Hemp Oil
– A Ripe Peach
– 2 Tsp Bentonite Clay
– 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
– Makeup Brush
Facial Steam
– Towel
– Large Bowl
– Dried Herbs such as Lavender, Pinyon, Chamomile, or a tea bag
Step 1. Prepare your face mask.
Blend 2-3 peach slices with 2 tbsp hemp oil in a food processor or blender. (Mash the peach & stir in oil if you don’t have a blender). Scoop the peach hemp blend into a non-metallic bowl. Add two tsp Bentonite Clay & 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar. Stir together until fully incorporated. If you prefer a thinner mask, add a splash of purified water and stir.  Set aside.
Do not use a metal bowl or fork as it can have adverse reactions with the ACV & Clay.
Step 2. To prep your skin for maximum moisture & nutrient absorption, I recommend a 10-minute facial steam. Simply sprinkle your favorite dried herb (I like to use pinyon I harvest from my neighborhood) or a tea bag, and fill halfway with hot water. Place a towel over your head as you lean forward and sit for 10 minutes.
Step 3. After you finish, apply the Hemp Mask. Using a makeup brush (I have one that I only use for facial masks), apply a fairly thick layer of the mask all over face and neck. Be careful to avoid the eye areas. Let the mask sit for 5-10 minutes for oily skin, or 15-20 for dry skin. Rinse the mask off with warm water, and pat dry with a clean bath towel.
I highly recommend making this mask with a friend! Eat the rest of the peach slices as you kick back and enjoy this relaxing mask!