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Clean For Green

By Cara Anderson IG: @carajojo Summit Medical Marijuana is a dispensary located in Gardiner, Maine, a historic riverside town. The owner of Summit MMJ, Dennis Meehan,...

Meals On Wheels, Helping Our Country’s Most Vulnerable

By: Kathleen McLean Meals on Wheels, a service that provides food to hundreds of thousands of elderly and disabled people is looking at significant cuts...

Doing Time: Time to Go a’ Courtin’

Doing Time: Time to Go a’ Courtin’ By Coral Ceiley facebook.com/coral.ceiley.33      My court date was about four months away. In the meantime, Loverboy and I...


By: Katie Burke It is illegal for federal agencies to disseminate incorrect information. The DEA is required by the Information Quality Act, to ensure the “quality,...
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