Home Advice Dear Dabby

Dear Dabby


Dear Dabby,
I’m panicking about the Affordable Care Act repeal. I cried all day and couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed. What will happen to my Obamacare?
– Panicking Pam
Panicking Pam,
I understand your concern. Obamacare covered so much, especially women’s health issues. You are not alone in your worry. Trump does vow that the repeal isn’t to take away from the American people but, to replace with lower costs, and better coverage. According to an article written in this Volume, we don’t know what the damn plan is yet. He hasn’t put out any specifics other than he wants to lower prescription prices, which is GREAT! Although I am sensitive to your concern I believe we need to come to terms that there is a new president and he will have new policies, we really have no choice but to roll with the punches. At least we can say what we want to him on Twitter.
Dear Dabby,
My friend has his medical card. He medicates often, with what seems to be some seriously strong wax by dabbing. I’m all for medicating, but, is there a point where someone could be over medicating. We went to a concert last week and he literally fell asleep amongst thousands of raging fans. What’s up with that?
Dear Mike,
This is a hard question to answer. Just because people can’t die from an overdose of marijuana, in my opinion it doesn’t mean they can’t over medicate. I mean damn, if someone went to a concert and took a bunch of downers and fell asleep I would think they crossed the line from fun to numb. I feel like people in general have a threshold they should be aware of, weather it’s drinking alcohol, dabbing, prescription drugs, hard core drugs.. You get my point. When a friend goes too far and has too much they are no longer fun to hang out with. If he continues to dab to the point he’s sleeping when others are socializing ditch him!
Dear Dabby,
I just want to know.. Is a blow torch really necessary when dabbing? I have never dabbed but, I’m around it a lot and it seems kinda extra.
Dear Sandy,
When one dabs, they have to get the titanium nail hot enough to vaporize the extract. In this instance the dabber would need to use a blowtorch for maximum heat. The other option is using an electric nail which is nice for full temperature control.