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Candid Cannabis Facts


By Benjie Cooper
IG: @nuglifenews
YouTube: Lucid’s Vlog
There are three primary types of cannabis
There are many different cannabis strains due to breeding, but indica, sativa, and ruderalis are the three major types. While indica and sativa strains tend to be higher in THC, ruderalis varieties are known to be high in CBD.
The first cannabis arrest in the United States was in 1937
After the Marihuana Tax Act had become federal law, Samuel Caldwell was placed under arrest when he tried to sell a couple of joints to two undercover FBI agents. He was fined $1,000 and sentenced to four years of hard labor in Leavenworth prison.
Cannabis is one of the world’s oldest crops
Records of the plant’s use go back over 6,000 years. Many cultures throughout history relied on hemp crops for the production of food, fiber, oil, and paper.
Cannabis is safer than alcohol
According to the World Health Organization, there were 3.3 million deaths attributed to alcohol in 2012. No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose. Numerous studies have also failed to show a link between smoking cannabis and cancer.
It’s extremely hard to overdose on cannabis
Studies show that marijuana has a therapeutic index of 40,000:1, meaning that one would have to take 40,000 times the usual amount to die. In contrast, opioid-based painkillers like morphine have a therapeutic index of 70:1.
CBD is beneficial to mental health
Cannabidiol has been shown to provide effective relief from the symptoms of schizophrenia without any adverse side-effects. People with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease have also experienced improvement in well-being with the daily administration of the non-psychoactive cannabinoid.
CBG is where all of the other cannabinoids come from
Cannabigerol is the cannabinoid stem cell and is non-psychoactive. Studies show that it exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant anti-depressant, and modest anti-fungal properties.
Cannabis was the first thing ever to be sold online
In 1972, students at Standford University in California used the ARPANET account at their artificial intelligence lag to sell a small amount marijuana to some other students at MIT in Massachusetts.
Medical marijuana in the U.S. is not a new thing
From 1850 to 1942 the United States Pharmacopeia listed cannabis as a useful medicine for nausea, rheumatism, labor pains. People could easily obtain it from pharmacies during the time.
The word ‘Indica’ is a combination of two words
On a visit to India, French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck observed differences between cannabis grown there and the European sativa varieties found elsewhere. He called it Indian Cannabis but shortened to just ‘Indica.’
Greek people used cannabis as veterinary medicine
Ancient Greeks used cannabis as a wound dressing for their horses. Soldiers also used the plant as a remedy for ear pain and inflammation.