Home Cannabis Psoriasis And CBD

Psoriasis And CBD


By Frank G. Shineman
Plaque psoriasis, the most common form of this malady, is an autoimmune disease that appears on the skin.  The growth of the plaque occurs when the autoimmune system sends out faulty signals that most commonly do one or both of the following: 1. Faulty signals speed up the growth of the skin in a particular area or 2. The faulty signals destroy healthy skin growth.
WebMD.com defines psoriasis as a chronic skin condition caused by an overactive immune system.  Symptoms include flaking, inflammation and/or thick white or silvery or reddish patches of skin.  In a statement typical of other pharmaceutical drug makers, Celgene Corporation states the following:  “There is no cure for psoriasis, but maybe our product can help a little bit.”  Of course along side of that statement, the corporate spokespersons said “Even if you use our product, you will probably suffer all or some of the standard side effects, all of them being very distasteful and uncomfortable.”
If you can’t even guarantee this product will help at all, then why in the world should I spend my money on it?  If a company representative were there in person to proffer a response, they might just shrug their shoulders with a quizzical look on their face, saying in so many words- “Just try it, it might work, or it might not do anything at all!”  In my mind, that is similar to going to your auto mechanic who has told you that you need a new $4,000.00 transmission right away.  But just as you walk away after signing the work order, he says, “You understand that I will buy the transmission and install it but I can’t guarantee it will work!”  To my way of thinking that is total insanity!  I mean to say, don’t you dare come to me, reinforce the existence of a very uncomfortable medical condition, insist I buy your product but not be able to say that I will experience any relief at all!!  Though they refuse to openly state such words, that is exactly what they are communicating! And of course using their product can result in some very inconvenient and uncomfortable side effects such as diarrhea, dizziness, and nausea.
The fact is that because of the above; our heart is even more interested in doing whatever we can to encourage you to research the very real possibility of relief through the use of CBD products.  I mean, honestly now if you are a sufferer of any form of psoriasis- what wouldn’t you try to gain some relief?
Discovercbd.com asks the very important question: Can CBD products help with psoriasis?  I assure you, we will do an outstanding job of getting your mind in gear, to convince you to do your research and for goodness sake get the relief you or your loved desires!  There is also one glaringly common factor to all psoriasis sufferers, and that is their tireless search for anything that will help even a little.  It is obvious to me that there also is the very large factor of self-esteem to psoriasis sufferers.  In recent months I have seen ads on local TV that address this problem.  In the ad, the sufferers seem to be saying in desperation and frustration “See me! Just see me!” In other words, what they are trying to communicate to their friends, family members and co-workers is the following: “If you see those horrid red swollen patches on my skin, don’t criticize! Please don’t believe that this reflects on my morality, my integrity or my character! It is only a horrid and painful condition I am suffering right now, and that is all!”
Though the cause of psoriasis is not fully understood, we do know that CBD based products have incredible anti-inflammatory properties and indeed that is the cause of psoriasis.  I mean, surely the question is, what wouldn’t you try to gain at least some relief?
The very good news is that your skin already has in it, inherent cannibinoid receptors. In addition, I have been told that your tongue is one of the parts of your body that has abundant receptors and there are good quality CBD tinctures to be applied under the tongue and where the CBD benefits are more readily absorbed into your bloodstream. There are even some companies that provide a salve for the surface of the skin, and then, of course, the drops of CBD tincture applied under the tongue. Let’s pull out the stops and attack this horrid condition in every way possible!
Just before writing this portion of the report I was chatting with Melinda at the DiscoverCBD.com website. She wanted to issue a minor caution, and that is just to remember that CBD’s have to build up a bit in the system and to expect one to two hours before you see anything.  Her best advice, though she clarified she was not an M.D., go for both and expect real results. Results will vary from person to person.
Lastly, we discovered something on CBDoilwiki.com, a strong recommendation for a hemp oil salve.  It is said that psoriasis can also reach the scalp which results in endless scratching with no hint of relief.  This website recommends Green Star CBD Psoriasis Salve cream that will provide an instant soothing and cooling effect.  This product contains, among other ingredients coconut oil, pine bark, olive oil, and jojoba!
What are you waiting for?  Get your relief now!!